Upcoming Events
2024 -2025 calendar of events
Updated 02/26/24
⚜September 19th (Thursday) at 7pm
Kappa Kick off at Mrs. P n Me in Mt Prospect Come kick off the year by catching up with Kappa sisters. Light apps will be provided. Please RSVP to kkg1870@gmail.com by September 15 if you plan to attend.
⚜October the 8th (Tuesday) at 7pm
Founders Day Event hosted by Nancy L. Join us for an evening of fellowship and ceremony. Please RSVP to kkg1870@gmail.com by October 6 so our hostess knows the number of attendees.
Remember your Kappa badge!
⚜October 19th (Saturday) at 12:30 pm
Super Senior Founders Day celebration at the Garlands hosted by Nancy W., Janet and Dina.
All area Kappa alumnae are invited to attend the Afternoon Tea. Cost is $32 (Your payment is your reservation) payable directly to Janet for non-Garlands members. Contact her to make arrangements for payment by Zelle 847-204-9678 or jmeinheit@gmail.com , Venmo @jmeinheit, check or cash before October 10.
⚜November 3rd (Sunday) at 11am
Stylin' for Scholars Panhellenic Lunch and fashion show to raise scholarship funds for local college women. Chevy Chase in Wheeling. Reservations are due on October 20. Please check your email for form and payment details.
⚜November 12 (Tuesday) at 7pm
Kappa Kare bag assembly event at Kim’s in Park Ridge. Sign up for items you'd like to provide is coming soon.
⚜December 10th (Tuesday) at 7pm
Kappa Holiday Party hosted by Janet. Start searching for your favorite thing gift exchange during all the upcoming Black Friday sales! Each participant is requested to bring a wrapped gift (valued at about $25) to exchange at our most attended event of the year! Please also bring an appetizer or dessert to put on the party table. Please RSVP to kkg1870@gmail.com by December 7 so our hostess knows how many to expect and to receive location and parking suggestions.
⚜January 9th (Thursday) at 7:30 pm-note time change--check-in will open at 7:15!
Virtual book club via Zoom. Stay warm this winter, pull up a chair, a cozy drink and a snack ...and read a book with your Kappa sisters!
We will be reading A Very Woodsy Murder by Kappa sister, Ellen Byron,Tulane. Ellen WILL join us via Zoom for the meeting! Check out her website: https://www.ellenbyron.com/
⚜February 20th (Thursday) at 7pm
Murder Mystery Dinner Party at Darcy's. Please RSVP to kkg1870@gmail.com and to ask for the address, if needed.
⚜March 3rd (Monday) at 6:30pm-International Badge Day
Kappas Night Out - Dinner at Lou Malnatti's for Panhellenic fundraiser. Cary, Schaumburg and BG restaurants are participating, so if you can't join the NWSAA group in BG, go to one of the other Lou's.
Remember to print the flyer or mention the fundraiser Code GPFUND24 at the site you attend.
⚜March 15th (Saturday) at 12:30pm-Panhellenic Badge Day at the Garlands for Afternoon Tea
Panhellenic Badge Day at the Garlands for Afternoon Tea with our Panhellenic sisters. Cost is $32 for non-Garlands residents and $25 for Garlands members. An email has been sent out or you can contact Dina for information on registering for this event. Your payment directly to Dina by March 7 is your reservation. http://cnwsap.org/garland.pdf
⚜April 15th (Tuesday) at 7pm
Philanthropy night at Feed My Starving Children-740 Wiley Farm Court, Schaumburg, 60174
⚜April 23rd (Wednesday) at 6pm
CNWSAP Spring banquet at the Cotillion in Palatine
⚜May 3rd (Saturday) from 3:30--6:30 pm
Derby Day Monmouth Duo Social Event for Kappas, PiPhis and Guests--Run for the Roses!
Jackie's Horse Barn in Inverness
Dress to impress! Derby attire (big hats & bow ties) encouraged (but not required).
Please bring an appetizer to share.
Mint juleps and other beverages provided.
⚜May 22nd (tentative date) 6:30pm
Girl Dinner, Slate installation and Craft night in Roselle.
Join us as we wrap up our event calendar for a low key girl dinner and optional crafting. We will also install the new slate at this meeting.
⚜Stay tuned to our social media (Facebook @NWSAA of Kappa Kappa Gamma or Instagram @kkgnwsaa) for pop up events throughout the year. ⚜
If you are interested in hosting a future event, please send an email to kkg1870@gmail.com to connect!
If you are interested in any summer outdoor activities, please send in your ideas!!
*Please Note: Exact location addresses will be provided via email reminders from kkg1870@gmail.com. We’ll also update information on our Facebook page (NWSAA of Kappa Kappa Gamma) and on this website northwestsuburban.kappa.org
You will receive reminders about upcoming Kappa events if your current email is listed in your profile on www.kkg.org.
Need help with updating your profile? or want to put a hold on reminders? Email kkg1870@gmail.com for assistance or inquiries.